
散漫想,隨性做 In laid-back manner , Eason Beach,New Port,RI

New Port算是離我住的Hartford來說,較近也較有名的海灘度假勝地了,,油門一路踩到New Port,一到這裡,整個心情也比較雀躍起來,本來是要來走走著名的Cliff Walk,然後找家餐廳大吃大喝一番,也算是遠離茂式料理的一個好藉口,但是一看到海,抵抗力瞬間下降,還去走啥Cliff Walk,先到海邊烤一烤,看看妹再說啦!!
當下更不打話,馬上轉進去Eason's Beach的停車場! 幹! 停車費要20元大洋...... 你的破停車場難道有附辣妹洗車嗎?還是當起海盜了?! 經過檢驗,真的是海盜無誤! 算了! 真是散漫隨性的代價!抱著把美金當日幣花的心態,進場吧!! 也因為這昂貴停車費,也放棄再去別的地方的想法,畢竟花一次錢,能停越久越划算,就像我去高爾夫球場,也是抱著打越多桿越划算的心態...... 今天就在這邊享受陽光沙灘比基尼吧!
                 Just in a laid-back manner without any plan !
                Still planed to visit Boston 10 mins before hopping on my car. However, the lovely sun is calling ! How can I resist such a temptation ?
                 New port is the famous beach resort nearby Hartford . Pressing hard on the accelerator all the way to New Port , I would have planed to the Cliff Walk and then get a great meal at a luxurious resturant , released from Amao's cuisine . On seeing the beach , I got rid of my original plan right away ,Let's get a sunshower and take a look at Bikini chicks .
         Parking fee costed me USD 20. It is like a pirate more than a parking lot . Terrible . since I would stay the whole afternoon , let it be .


A beach good for just idle .

A chair with beverage . My idle afternoon starts .

Seeing bikini chick is the first thing to do at beach . But, tell a truth , I won't suggest the people with this plan come here. few girls .

New Port有不少海灘,以後有機會到是要一一探訪... 做個考察!

I will conduct a detailed field study on all beach of New Port as my company sent me here .
Should the beaches here be securitized one day , we will be able to know how well it goes . A beach with more hot bikini chick can enjoy higher rating!

可愛的小妹妹自己在玩得很高興,不過懶得走過去跟你玩,放生! 遠遠拍你就好!
In contrast with otheres coming with a group or a couple , I just stayed alone .sometimes , playing with the kids around me .

Writing on the beach, probably make me busier a bit .

搞了一整個下午,幾乎把自己晒得跟蝦子一樣.... (忘了擦防曬的結果.....最後就是痛了一整個禮拜....都快把蘆薈拿起來用喝的)
Spending the whole afternoon on sunhower , resulting in a severe sunburn.....

At last , kept taking the pics of this vivid girl. 

A romantic beach wedding is going to take place tonight .

