
極光列車 Polar Express ,Anchorage,AK,USA.

             回想當初來時,還是個莽撞少年,現在再回首,已盡是滄桑 ( 這....我是蘇武牧羊現代版嗎?), 既是如此,為了排解心中的萬千感慨, 不規劃個難以忘懷的行程實在是對不住自己阿!!
              大概是在康州時, 雪看得不夠吧!!  “來去冷凍庫住幾晚, 阿拉斯加追極光 “, 毫無疑問地成為我的唯一的選擇, 畢竟對一向偏好前往BBB以下的國家旅行的我, 要在AAA的國家找到個吸引我的地方還真不容易! (不要挑我毛病, 身為討債集團成員的我,熟知美國已經被S&P降評了 )
               冬季, 其實是阿拉斯加的淡季,除了極光 溫泉和少數幾項活動之外,就沒啥好玩了, 不過,偏生這浪漫的極光就是對亞洲人有著莫名的吸引力! 因為這賣點,也順利招集到了Johnson ,Rebecca , Chris's , Allen's 等人, 總共高達九人, 一起去冷藏一下!
                冬天的阿拉斯加說是亞洲人的阿拉斯加一點都不為過! 冷清的安克拉治市區還感受不出來,但到了隔天, 一搭上“北極特快車”,幾乎全車乘客有高達八成是亞洲臉孔, 甚至高達五成是說中文的, 一成是說台灣中文的......  大概是大家都以為看到極光就會娶到林志玲, 看到極光就會住進帝寶, 看到極光中華民國政府就會換人之類的吧.......
                 長達12小時的北極特快車, 其實不太快, 到特定地段,車長也會放慢甚至停下,供大家拍照 ! 出發時,天氣不太好,搞得我心情有點鬱卒,不過隨著越接近Fairbanks, 陽光斗現,照映出壯闊的連綿山景, 連著名的Mt. McKinley 峰也巍峨地聳立著!搞得我這山的孩子心癢癢阿!!我猜想,如果是自行駕車,應該是看不到這美景!! Terrific !!  
                  到了Fairbanks , 就先搭車前往機場租車 ! 有了交通工具, 立刻前往超市補給 ! 當晚主食就是阿拉斯加帝王蟹加烤雞伺候了!!  極光, 我們來了!! 

           Time really flies ! My time in US soon nearly came to an end , which made me full of sentiment . In order to work out my sentiment ,  an unforgettable trip seemed to be inevitable. (What an excuse !) 
           Probably , there wasn't much snow in CT this year . So , heading for the freezer of the U.S. ,Alaska,undoubtedly turn up to be my only choice . ( As a traveler who tends to visit the countries with BBB or below rating , I find it difficult to get an attractive place in the U.S. )
           Freezing winter  is ,actually, the low season of  Alaska . In addition to Aurora , Hot Spring , there is not that much to see around . However , the romantic Aurora particularly has attractiveness to Asian guys . Based on this selling point and the hype made by me , the number of my traveling mates is as high as nine .    Let 's go got freezed .
           It isn't too over to say that winter's Alaska is Asian's Alaska . When taking the famous Polar Express , I found that almost 80% of passengers are Asian and more than half of them are speaking Chinese .  How crazy it is . 
          Although the Polar Express is named after " Express " , it goes as long as 12 hours . ( We are supposed to fix up the definition of "Express " in the dictionary ) . I was in gloomy mood since the weather was nasty when we set off . However, as we were approaching Fairbanks , the sunshine finally broke through the clouds and the day was getting clear .The magnificent mountainous scene continues along the way , even the famous Mt. McKinley just stands in front of us . Terrific !!
         We rushed to airport for car rental as soon as arriving at Fairbanks . Hey man ! what the hell is today's dinner ?  Alaska king crab and roasted chicken would get us full  !  Aurora , we are coming !!!  

冷清又小的安克拉治市區, 大概半天光景就可以逛完, 我還是邊逛邊哈拉才打發一整天......
Not much to see in downtown Anchorage . (half day is enough )

八點半的火車! 但清晨六點多就得到火車站領票了! 很愛睏! 這時候最需要有蘿蔔糕配蛋餅加中溫奶附帶蘋果日報來打發時間了!
We have to get tickets at 6:30 for 8:30 train in the early morning . 
列車工作人員! 跟我最好的就是車上的播音員Dan (Daniel)了!他說他熱愛他的工作, 因為沒有什麼工作,每年都可以放幾個月假! 錢夠用就好! 和我一樣很豁達的人生觀! 但我的問題在於錢不夠用! 
Train staff ! Dan , the broadcaster on the train , said that he loves his job . Because few jobs is like his , he can have a long vacation of several months every year . Earning his keeps is enough for him . The same life philosophy as mine .  But , my problem is " never have enough money....."
車廂一景! 其實我只是想秀我的新水壺!

The nasty weather was getting clear as we went northward . 

車廂之間的窗戶可以打開,探頭出去拍照觀景!  不過,在冷冽帶雪的寒風之下, 每次探頭出去,都像是在用零下十幾度的冰水洗臉一樣!!  
The window between the carriers allow you to open and take pictures . However , when you stick your head our for taking pictures , you would feel as if you are washing you face with freezing water . Trust me , you won't sustain it for more than one minutes .

“阿母! 我上電視啦”  ! 列車在中間某站停下後,有幾個電視台工作人員的人上車, 跟著沒多久,就看到列車旁邊有直升機跟拍, 後來聽說是著名的“Disco-very" 頻道在進行拍攝! 可惜不是食尚玩家, 不然我這個撲瓏共應該就有機會上了!!
Hey mom! I  am on TV ! Just when the train made a brief stop , a group of TV personnel got on the train . Shortly after they got on , a helicopter showed up and flew along with our train. Wow ! it is said to be Discovery Channel  

各位觀眾!  Mt. McKinley 來了!
Hey !  Mt. McKinley is coming !

這裡是登北美最高峰Mt. McKinley的起點, 要搭小飛機前往登山口!
Here is said to be the starting point to climb Mt. Mckinley . A short flight is necessary to bring you to the gate of Mt. McKinley.

A long 12hr journey finally ended up taking a picture with Dan , who already lost his sound due to his hard work .

極光之旅, 出發 !  Heading for Aurora !!

