What is being hidden behind this pic ? pls go on !!
“”每年十月的最後一天,美國都會慶祝這源自愛爾蘭的節日,象徵着夏天的結束,也傳說著鬼魂會來到人間進行“抓交替”的行為,因此人們都得打扮得跟鬼怪一樣 “”
用台灣人的理解方式,就是中元節鬼門開的意思,只是台灣人都是燒香燒紙錢,祈求好兄弟過路平安,但是老美過節方式卻是把自己也搞得鬼怪樣,讓鬼魂分不清你是人是鬼,也就不會被抓走了 ! 時至今日,老美則是趁遊行或聚會來打扮自己,越怪越吸引人氣 !
像這種節日的到來,有所謂女巫鎮(Witch City)之稱的Salem, MA,自然成了整個美國東北新英格蘭地區的萬聖節朝聖地! 就住在左近的小弟我 自然也不想錯過這盛事(也不近啦,開車也要兩小時), Salem,I am Coming !
Halloween is coming ! The towns in the U.S. are filled with Halloween atmosphere ,along with Halloween decoration and advertisement .
What 's Halloween :
On the last day of Oct. ( Say, 10/31 ) , American will celebrate Halloween ,originated from Ireland, as the end of summer . Particularly , it is said that the suffering souls and ghosts , on that day, will come to human being's world looking for a fall guy .As a result , people have to dress in the freaking and exotic way . In that way , those ghost would be confused by the dress , barely distinguishing human being from ghosts . We , Taiwanese , have a very similar festival ,called Jhong Yuan Festival . However , different from American way , we pray with respect along with burning incense stick and paper money , instead of celebration .
For such festival , Salem , the so-called witch city, naturally becomes the spotlight across the New England area of the U.S. . Surely , I would n't let it go easily ! Salem ! I 'm coming .
Wethersfield,CT , might be the town with more Halloween air in Hartford 's area
南瓜是萬聖節不可缺少的物品! 萬聖節代表色--橘色和黑色!
Pumpkin ! An indispensable stuff in Halloween . Halloween 's typical colors are Orange and Black .
The decoration in front door is another way to show your creativity as well .
You can do it in scary type.
Or... can make it look like a real estate agent .
or.... it would be a good way to advertise your own product .
有不知所云的怪博士..... Freaking Doctor .
Cute style .
Or ... you also can make much efforts to do ......
當然也有一些人是去搞破壞的...... But , some guys are going to ruin your efforts....
時間來到了 Oct. 27, 剛好正智和珮嘉的蜜月之旅也來到波士頓,於是就去當個電燈泡!
(10/27也是今年萬聖節前的週末..... )
Oct. 27 , the weekend before Halloween this year . I went to Boston as a third wheel ,interrupting Andy and Peija's honeymoon ......
State House來到波士頓,自然得走走Freedom Trail,但Freedom Trail的圖,我想大家也看多了!
這張照片只是要讓大家知道Freedom Trail真的是很多Free.....
圖為Freedom Trail 一角
When coming to Boston , Freedom Trail is a must-see place. But , from this pic ,I just want you know how free the freedom trail is .
Inevitably , partly because of Halloween ,supposed to visit a cemetery , partly because I should come to visit a old friend who I know him very well and for long time . Even now , his pic are often put in my wallet .
Franklin !
插播一下,美國總統選舉快到了! 如何搶救經濟讓美國人民回到工作崗位上,是本次選戰主軸!
By the way , the U.S. election is coming , How to get American back to job market is the main issue of this campaign .
Salem,本來是隔天白天才要來造訪,陰錯陽差地讓我今晚就來,參與到了萬聖節前的週末聚會!! 果真熱鬧非凡! 讓我們看下去 !
Salem , which I would have planned to come next day , but due to some reasons , we came tonight and luckily be a part of Halloween gathering .
三個女巫..... Witches .
At the beginning , I thought they were extraordinary . However, if you go on, you would know it is too common .
來摸摸獅子王的屁股! Let's “ fondle" Lion king's butt cheek .
I found the fact that it is not high enough if you just stand still for taking picture.
I am supposed to make some corresponding poses !
So , Look scared !!
Hitting your fucking beak !
What a shining eyes !!
you should fight like I did when meeting pirates at sea !
絕地大師歐比王! 不過, 我也會點絕地武功!! 願原力與你同在!
Obi-Wan , Jedi Master ! May force be with you !
天鵝湖! 應該可以從照片中看出來,我被黑天鵝抱得有點不爽,我愛的是白天鵝阿!
Swan ! Easily judging from pic , I like the white one more !
So , I decided not to refrain myself !
What a tail !
公.....主.... !? 好啦!胖了點的公主!
Princess !? O~K~ just a bit fatter !
(其實,我是看他有點悶,沒人找他拍照,我才去找他的.... 在這種場合,如果你精心裝扮了,但沒人鳥你,實在是很悶.....)
Stay put is the best strategy when encountering the ghosts .
( In fact , I went for him only because no one took picture with him . At that occasion , you would feel very frustrated if none wants to take pic with your effort-spending costume .)
Although I have been welcomed by kids all the time , I still encountered their attack .
我不是在求饒! 我是在拜託她和我拍照! 這恐龍裝太可愛了!
不過... 求歡被拒!
I am not begging for mercy , but asking for pictures . What a cute dinosaur costume !
But , Rejected !
注意我旁邊的無臉人! 酷!不過很辛苦!悶死了!
Pay attention to the faeeless one ! Cool! but very stuffy ( I guess )
What a guy with so much air !? I would like to give him a punch !
遇到鬼新娘! 我下跪求婚啰! 問她說: 你要嫁給我嗎?
她居然回: Yes ! 我馬上跟他說:拜託!千萬不要!!
Ghost Bride ! I proposed to her right away , asking : would you marry me ?
She replied : Yes !
I told her immediately : No , pls don't say yes ! pls !
遇到超級英雄 ,我也不能示弱!
Show my power to the Super hero !
我死得好慘阿!!I.... don't want to die !!
我和那阿拉伯男子的同感: 噁爛的牙齒!
What a fucking teeth !
這大個仔,裝成翹屁股老媽! 我也學他翹! 我這動作一作,他朋友也覺得很有趣,也要拍我! 哈!
This giant guy dressed as a plump butt mom . I imitated her pose . Even her friends thought I am very interesting . Ask me for a pic .
小忍者!! 太可愛了! 我跟他們說: 我會中國功夫,來一起拍照吧!
Little ninja ! I told them , I can perform Chinese Kung fu ! let's take a pic !
that's the only movement I can ! I even used this movement to show the blacks when I visited Kenya last year !
這第二招一擺,右邊的小忍者,就有點不知所措了! (其實,你從頭到尾都在狀況外!)
(我身懷絕世武功,難道要我到處跟人講嗎?我和衛斯理都是受過嚴格的中國武術訓練的阿! )
The ninja at right-hand side seems to be at loss all the time !
The more interesting thing is his father asked me , can you perform real kung fu ? your movement is good ! look like a performer !
I replied , what a observation ! I did learn for a little bit ....
瑪力兄弟! Mario !
謎底揭曉! 第一張照片就是.............. 這頂帽子被我選為今日第一名!
這才是真正的“巴拉姑跨” (Boro Krubwa)!!
The answer to the very first one picture ----- Dick hat !! I will award it as first tonight !!
P.S. 因應萬聖節的到來,我也送給我的同事們“好神公仔”保身!每個人都依照他們的個性和需求給不一樣的神明! 我覺得這是送外國人很不錯的禮物!
P.S. Due to the coming of Halloween , I gave my colleague " God doll key chain " to protect them . Each one is given by each colleague 's image , personality ,or need . A thoughtful gift !
武聖關公 Kuan Kung ( God of martial art )
---- One of the most popular god in Taiwan .
---- stands for justice initially . As time goes by , people even pray for money and ask him to expel devils .
佛祖 Buddha : Phil
--- kind and benevolent , particularly , very powerful and stay in high position .
三太子 San Tai Zi ( The third princess / God of Kids )
---- very naughty ( just like Kevin.....)
---- In charge of telling one's fortune and protecting kids .
濟公 Ji Gong
--- live in human being's world and help people out of misery and proverty. He looks a bit freaking and insane . but he is really kind one .
--- just like Vlad , who often help people beset with program problem .
媽祖 Ma Zu
--- one of the most popular godness in Taiwan
--- keep people safe and direct them toward a good way of life .
玄天上帝 Xuan Tian Shang Di
--- do justice and expel the devils . protect people .
土地公 Tu Di Gong ( God of Land )
--- Kind , benevolent and appear in time of need .
文昌帝君 Wen Chang Di Jun ( God of wisdom )
--- people pray for passing examination . give people enough wisdom and intelligence to overcome any exam or test .
--- help Erin pass the CFA exam
鐵拐李 Tie Guai Li
--- live in human being's world and help people out and do justice.
--- he has a awesome beard .... just like Tom .
財神 Cai Shen ( God of money )
--- needless to say , people pray for money .
五路財神 Wu Lu Cai Shen ( God of money from five direction , " five" means "many" in Taiwanese )
--- People pray for money from any direction . Very powerful .
--- Chris just got married . I guess , A married man is in need of more money ......
孔子 Confucius ( God of wisdom and teacher )
--- people pray for wisdom . he is respected as the First teacher in Chinese culture .
--- He has white hair , just like John ..
萬聖節到了,祝大家一切平安 !! Happy Halloween !