
油頭老墨 Oily Hair / Mustache , Mexico

               老墨很重打扮,尤其是男生,門面打理不馬虎,除了總是把皮鞋都擦得亮晶晶 (也難怪中央廣場上一堆擦皮鞋的都不怕餓死....)之外,留上點鬍子,更顯男性魅力!另一個特色就是.......他們都塗上大量(非常大量.......)的髮油到頭髮上,年紀大一點的就把頭髮像賭神一樣往後梳,年輕人就是把頭髮全往上抓.....其實也不是不好看,但是當你看到約略百分之九十的老墨都做一樣的事情,其實.....很有趣!
                經過我打聽,他們用的是在藥房可以買到的Punki Junki這個牌子的髮油...
                既然重打扮,就希望有人欣賞,小弟我最擅長的,就是言不由衷地稱讚啦!所以一路上,就是逢人便說Guopa (西文:漂亮),大概就是和麵攤老闆娘每次都叫我帥哥是一樣的意思....

              Mexican think highly of their appearance , particularly men . They not only polish their shoes , but also keep their mustache in order to show their macho . Another characteristic is they  likes to apply a great amount of hair gel / oil on their hair ! The elderly usually make their hair backward , the youth prefer to make it spike up ! It looks not bad , but it turns out to be very interesting when you find out almost 90% of Mexican man do the same way .
               it is said that Punki Junki is the brand most people use .

這傢伙很有喜感! 後來我問他說,你和你老婆接吻時,會不會不方便.....
He is a funny guy ! Asked if it is inconvenient to kiss your wife ,  He paused for seconds and said " no worry ! I usually stick out my tongue "


油頭特輯: Oily Hair


看起來很凶神惡煞.. 但還挺會擺POSE

When in Mexico , Do as Mexicans do

