
愛的見證 Love Witness , Albany,NY

             初訪紐約州的Albany,就是為了繡繡學姐要結婚了! 聽到這消息,我心中五味雜陳,畢竟繡繡學姐和我有著多年的恩怨情仇、愛恨糾葛........
              但畢竟大家都在異鄉,且某種程度上說來,我也算是女方親友家屬的唯一代表,所以說來也是有點嫁女兒的心情啦! 所以就不辭千里前來參加了!
              前一天陪繡繡學姐去買婚禮要用的花束時,花店店員還問說 "請問你是第一次結婚嗎? " 這個問題讓人覺得很...!不過也是因為美國離婚率真的很高,不像台灣女人比較會吞忍,老公上薇閣被拍到,出來開開記者會就好了、或是凹說去MOTEL辦公事、吃海鮮、肚子痛就安全下庄了 (我沒有在說誰....)。
              婚禮巧妙地選在七月七號,歌頌著這一段偉大而堅貞的愛情。婚禮公證是在法院進行的,星期六也只有Criminal Court有開,所以繡繡學姐的婚禮就在法官判決完前一個罪犯後進行,其實.....有點妙!公證在雙方的"Yes, I do "及兩位證人(我是其中之一)簽名後結束,然後就去辦桌了!
              下午就一同到Saratoga看賽馬,坐在隔壁的小孩還幫我上了一課,叫我不要押太大注,路才走得長之類的! 是! King 哥,小弟化骨龍受教了!

          The notification that ShowShow is going to get married led to my first vistit to Alabny ,NY .On knowing that , a sentimental feeling flushed into my heart . ShowsShow is the one who I have got entangled with for couples of years .
          To some extents , I can be viewed as the sole representaive of female side . How can I not to attend ?
          ShowShow was asked " that is your first marriage ? " when buying the wedding bouquet the day before . Such a interesting question , but signaling that the high divorce rate in the U.S. . American woman is relatively independent than Taiwanese , who tend to  bear much sufferings .
          The 7th of July , an ausipicious date, is chosen as their date for marriage , praising their great love . The wedding ceremony took place at a criminal court . The judge held this wedding just shortly after making a sentence to a criminal . It looks ...very weird , to be honest ! The ceremony blessingly ended with " Yes, I do " and the two witness's signiture ( I am one of the two ).
           After an easy banquet , we went to watch the horse harness race in Sarotoga . The kid sitting next to me even gave me a lecture , saying " Don't bet too much , keep your stake low , you can survive"...  Oh~~ Yes ! Sir !

結婚證書 Certificate of Marriage.

一早,其實也沒有大陣仗的迎娶車隊.. 像是要去郊遊一樣..
A simple wedding without a huge fleet of cars. It is more of a picnic.....
not yet know where  the court is.

Oh~ We know why ShowShow say " yes " .

從這角度看,我們知道男方真的比較想娶,而女方還在裝矜持 (別假了!繡繡 )
We can know , judging from his bending angle , Louis is in much more hurry. But ShowShow  just made an affectation ........

Pic with the Judge .

Wedding Pics.
Come on ! ShowShow still held her affectation .
It is Louis's turn to make a showdown .

所謂的浪漫  That's  the so-called Romantic .

That's the real life.

Saratoga的賽馬   Horse Harness in Saratoga .

Winner will be taken pics.
 恭喜! 啟繡結婚囉!
Congratulation !

