話說今天打完球後,心中還在幹橋最後一洞的爆杆,因此在回家的路上,也是一路恍神地開著車!正當離家只剩兩個路口時,我快速地變換了一下車道, 說時遲,那時快,正當我一轉個彎,一臺警車跟了出來, 我本來想說大概只是在巡邏吧 ! 如果我有違規,他早就鳴笛叫我Pull Over了 !
而他就只是無聲無息地跟著........... Today, just on my way back home with thinking of my bad holes . Just right two intersection left to my home , I changed my lane quickly . Shortly after my lan-changing , a police prowl car turned up and drived behine me . At that time , I thought he might be just on duty . If I were in viloation of traffic rule , he would have pull me over right away .
However, he did nothing but tailgate me silently. just like the following one .
我快他也快,我轉彎,他也轉彎..... 一路跟到了我家的停車場 ! 終於在我倒車時,我忍不住搖下車窗,問她到底有什麼事? 他叫我先停好車,然後下車!
當時腦中閃過了很多畫面, 想說該是跟他嗆說我爸是李剛,還是要跟他說我和賓利姐也有點交情,說來我也是個馬三哥!但是又想到電影裡面都是靠美國警察打跑外星人 (喔! 不對! 那是美軍 ),電影裡面都是靠美國警探懲奸除惡 ( 好像比較強的也只有紐約的NYPD , 不過康州警察應該也是接受同樣訓練,只是沒有布魯斯威利而已吧.... ), 但是看他一下車就手摸槍袋, 我也沒有科羅拉多州丹佛市那個神經.....神經科學博士的散彈槍,所以我緊記一個原則 :馬上下車 ( ..... 絕不東摸西摸....!! 要不然腦中畫面可能會迅速閃過過去三十年的人生跑馬燈....)
結果他只是要看我的駕照,給他看了之後,他說這是國際駕照,但不可以用,說他最近就是碰到幾個外國居民持國際駕照的,所以也注意到我!我就開始跟他吵了,我說我去問過DMV了,他們說可以, 該警察似乎有點驚訝,說你是打電話去問的還是本人去問的, 但堅持這國際駕照不能用 ( 但其實我根本沒問過........), 總之,在停車場吵了五分鐘,隔壁鄰居也出來看,就差沒指指點點...
結論 : 他這次不開我單子,但叫我趕快去考駕照.........
觀察: 他應該是這附近的管區巡邏員警 (大概就像台灣警察騎摩托車去簽巡邏單的那種),所以我想我的小澤菜穗馬三應該被他盯上了......
Tailgating me all the way to my parking lot , at last ,I can't help but ask him what happen . He asked me to pull over and get off .
I was a bit pissed off by his behavior, to be honest. However , How can I do ? He is a cop with a gun ! The only thing I can do is to get off right away without fumbling about .
Sigh~ What he want is my driving license . I showed him my international driving perimt immediately . He said it is invalid after checking . It took me for a while to argue with him . I told him that I have checked with DMV and they said it is fine ( In fact , I didn't check it ) . The cop didn't accept my statement and said he met quiet a few of this case recently . Anyway, after 10 mins argurment , he said he won't give me the ticket this time ,but requested me to get driving license soon .
Tailgating me all the way to my parking lot , at last ,I can't help but ask him what happen . He asked me to pull over and get off .
I was a bit pissed off by his behavior, to be honest. However , How can I do ? He is a cop with a gun ! The only thing I can do is to get off right away without fumbling about .
Sigh~ What he want is my driving license . I showed him my international driving perimt immediately . He said it is invalid after checking . It took me for a while to argue with him . I told him that I have checked with DMV and they said it is fine ( In fact , I didn't check it ) . The cop didn't accept my statement and said he met quiet a few of this case recently . Anyway, after 10 mins argurment , he said he won't give me the ticket this time ,but requested me to get driving license soon .
後續處理: 花錢上課考試啰!! 美國駕照考試還真貴.........
還好我沒反抗.... 不然我應該會變成這樣.....
Follow-up : Spending hundrends of buck on my driving test .
The good thing is I didn't fight , otherwise I would turn out to be ......
Follow-up : Spending hundrends of buck on my driving test .
The good thing is I didn't fight , otherwise I would turn out to be ......