That's my first time to take myself as the cover of a certain diary ! so embarrassed ! pls pay attention to the beauty)
這次旅行的攝影裝備,是NEX-5,雖說是可換鏡頭,但對於我這種懶人來說,算了吧!就用標準鏡吧! 因此自然也就捨棄了街頭抓拍的影像!
NEX-5 is equipped for this reip. Although the lens is changeable , for such a lazy man as me ... , let it be ! I just use the kit one ! So , I won't be able to shoot pics at distance.
However, the distance between you and me become closer with a shorter lens
it would be a hard job for a non-professional phtographer ( me ) to lead my model . Ask them to be natural ....
You.... how come you raise your thumb...
I have to take pics of his doing jobs and not to draw his attention..
....moreover , waiting for passerby .
我一開始以為他在賣吃的.... 想買來吃....
結果... 他比著說是給老鼠或蟑螂吃的毒藥.....
I had thought he is selling something for eat ! But , He said that 's poison for rats ...
Thanks to God !
Sure ! Things won't always go smoothly .... I got refusal sometimes...
But , you need patience to get closer
大家聊一聊,一起吃份點心~~ 你我不再有距離!
Let's talk and share snacks. Get close to each other.
如果小弟理解的沒錯,根據這位大哥的肢體語言,這種水果可以增強體力,讓肌肉變大,還可以....壯..........頭好撞撞噢!! 所以我吃了兩顆!
That's the fruit I haven't seen , ask him to peel it . Sit next to him ! Although we can't speak the same language , but body language will go well !
According to my understanding ( from his body language ) , this fruit can strengthen up and ....good ! So, I got TWO !
Joyful atmosphere prevails in Zocalo .
這位大叔是裡面穿得最體面最優雅的一個! 我當下請他們兩個接吻拍一張,他也很大方地照做! 真是老黑狗一隻阿 !
In the evening , there are many aged people dancing at Zocalo.
This uncle is the most elegant and dress-up one of them ! I asked them to have a kiss , he just did as I said .
小朋友們一向是我的最愛... 和小朋友玩就是很有趣....
Kids are my favorite topic !
像是這種一開始略帶緊張 不太笑的.....
Although they won't smile at first ,....
Just need to play a little trick !
他叫Mige ! 帥男孩一個~希望長大後不要變油頭 (請見 油頭老墨)! 那天還親了我兩下!!
Mige ! cute boy ! May you won't grow up a oily hair ( pls see " Oily Hair / Mustache , Mexico ) . He gave me kisses twice .
這傢伙老是一副憂鬱的眼神.... 怎麼逗都不笑....
So blue you are !
ㄟ..妹妹阿!你手上握着根棒子,對男生癡癡地笑~~ 這很怪吧!!
hey~ Girl ! It looks very weird that you sillily smile at a guy with a stick in your hand.....
路過某個新書發表會,可惜大家都不會說英文,無法解釋給我聽! 只叫我拍照!又請我喝兩了兩杯香檳和紅酒.....
Passing by a new book presentation , but no one can explain it in English ! Just ask me for pics and treat me a cups of wine .
“今日我最美”專題開始! Who is the most beautiful !?
Those who work hard for their own life are the most beautiful !!
I wanna give it back !! Catch it !
基本上,還是要有互動後,拍攝出來的人像才會生動! 大家說...是吧!?
Basically , The portrait pic would look vivid after interaction with them...... Right ?!
馬的! 這是用來燒的吧.................... Does that get burn for the dead ?
待續! To be Continued ....