搭乘墨國一流的巴士運輸,來到Oaxaca,一個充滿西班牙殖民風格建築的小鎮! 其實之前對Oaxaca的功課做得也不夠,來了之後,才知道其實有很多Tour可以參加,但我卻只規劃了一個到阿爾班山看遺跡的行程 ! 算是有點可惜!
既是如此,那就把大部分時間留下來看看這美麗而優雅的小鎮吧! 而沒想到.. 這座小鎮美的不只是建築風格,熱情且和善的人是更美麗的一環!
結束阿爾班山的行程後,一整個下午,就在市中心及傳統市集閒晃,到處和人聊天,喇低賽! 至於甚麼教堂景點卻是一個都沒去......
Taking Mexican excellent bus transportation to Oaxaca , which is a Spanish colonial town. I didn't do so much study before arriving at Oaxaca . It is a pity for me to have no time to take some local tour except for Mt. Alben .
Since so , I decided to leave most of my time to this elegant town . So , I got to know this town is so beautiful not only on its architecture , but also its friendly people !
After my Mt. Alben tour , I spent a whole afternoon to walk around the traditional market and Zocalo and talk with everyone at every store... As for some historical / tourist sites , I went none of them ....
The architecture itself won't give me any feeling , but Interaction with people will !
But , Let's take a look at this Spanish colonial town .
Light show at Zocalo !
Every dog has its day ! As a poor backpacker , I still have the chance to have a good meal at Zocalo ...
At Zocalo , The protest sign hung on the pillar is to against the government...it said..%^%&^ ( I don't understand....)
Trique , the indigenous people , sells traditional handcraft or babysitting.
阿爾班山,是Zapotec人的宗教祭祀中心和首都,其後也被阿茲提克人給征服,在這遺跡中,當然也少不了金字塔式的建築,只是並不特別巨大雄偉! 大約兩到三小時就可遊覽完畢!
Mt. Alben . is the religious center and capital of Zapotec , who had been conquered by Aztec ! In this ruin , pyramid-type architecture is indispensable ! It takes 2~3 hours to see around !
和小販講價聊天,也是小弟的專長之一! 只是如果沒打算買,那還是換個身分會好一點,日本人、韓國人、ABC都是很好的選擇....... 就是不要講台灣人阿!!
Masks and colorful jewelry necklace are the souvenirs I had seen from my first day in Mexico .
Mt.Alben is filled with individual venders .
Talking with them is one of my specialties ! But , give you a advise , if you don't want to buy anything , pls change your identification . Japanese , Korean , ABC are your choices , pls don't say Taiwanese .
Here is a good outdoor school for kids
旅館內打撞球認識的朋友,分別是比利時的Lsalelle ,韓國來的Yuri ,巴西的Orlando !
My roommates at the hostel. Belgium Isabelle , Korean Yuri and Brasilian Orlando.
Thanks to Isabelle 's explanation , let me know more about it !
Jump ! Show your energy !
But , we know ! Behind the success , many failures had happened
So , let the expert do it !
待續! To be continued....