
關鍵時刻 Pivot moment,Merida,Mexico

             2012年12 月21號是馬雅紀元結束的那一天,對於末日傳說的炒作,隨著日子越近,炒作越厲害!
            所以,小弟不惜以身犯險,親自來到馬雅金字塔前,來找找外星人的蹤跡 ! 
            要探訪馬雅金字塔,來墨西哥的Merida,可以一次看個夠,除了Uxmal 和 Chichen Itza是兩個具代表性的金字塔,還有神秘的地底河流 Cenotes可看! 
            Merida雖然是Yucatan半島的省會,儘管是個觀光大城,不過看來其實有點破舊,旅行團觀光客也開始變多 ,似乎有點失去了墨西哥風味了...
              2012/12/21 is the doomsday of Maya prophecy . As this day approaches , it gets much hyped up !
               So , Amao made up my mind to visit Maya Pyramid in person at the risk of my life . Try to get some evidence about doomsday or alien creature.
               Merida is the right place where you can visit the most famous Maya pyramids. In addition to Uxamal and Chichen Itza , you also can take on a trip to see the mysterious underground rivers--cenotes.               Although Merida is the capital of Yucatan peninsula and a tourism city , it looks a bit shabby . More and more tourist groups come here , Mexican flavor gradually die away over here .
           各位觀眾朋友,大家好! 歡迎收看從外太空談到內子宮的"關鍵時刻" !!  我們今天邀請到的是資深文化歷史導遊--謝哲青!  
            對不起! 哲青今天沒來,由小茂茂來代班!!
Ladys and Gentleman !  Let Amao go with you to unveil the mysterious Maya Pyramids. 

這是在當地稱之為Cenotes的地底河流,之所謂為奇景,是因為地底出現個洞,裡面卻是個深潭,最深處可深達25 公尺 ! 導遊警告:  因為水質的關係,所以萬一沉下去,是上不來的!
我覺得這景象讓我聯想到.... 神鵰俠侶的絕情谷, 大概小龍女住的絕情谷底,差不多是這情景吧!  只是...... 楊過有學過Scuba Diving ?!
That's so-called "cents" , which is underground river . This marvel is because a deep pool emerge underground, and get as deep as 25 meters. The Tour guide warned : once you get drowned , you might not float  because of water quality.
A beam of light shed into the hole ! Marvelous !
But , many of my pics were gone because of my ipad's crash....
Miles , 小弟說要把你的翹臀PO上網,絕對說到做到!

Tourists are allowed to swim in those cenotes....  but , I can't 
Ming and Miles can't wait to rush into water !
Miles , I always keep my words... Post your ass on my blog !!
夜晚的Merida !   Evening  Merida 
Get some hints from the local church...

為了這次的探訪,特地遠從加州名校請來馬......馬你的B研究權威---Sean 一同參與這次節目的錄製!
For this Maya trip , I invited Sean , who is the Ma...MaMamia authority of a famous California University, to join the last part of my trip.   

首先! 要了解馬雅,就得了解他們的活人獻祭!   砍頭又挖心!  ( 意者可看電影-- 阿波卡獵逃 )
First of all , we need to know Maya though their way of giving sacrifice. They chop the head of the sacrifice and get his heart out !  ( Pls see the movie " Apocalypto")
Fortunately , We get an example immediately ....

Uxamal的大金字塔,站在金字塔前鼓掌,回聲會是類似老鷹的叫聲.... ( 馬的~ 我也沒聽過老鷹叫)
Big Pyramid in Uxamal . If you clap right before it , the echo sounds like eagle's. ( But, the thing is ... I don't know what a eagle sounds like )
這有點小虎隊的Feel ! 
費盡千辛萬苦,終於爬上巫師金字塔!  ( 其實也還好,但一切為了節目效果....)
也許千年之前,這裡就有很多活人獻祭後,被踢下階梯.....( 請看電影--阿波卡獵逃)
After much effort , we get up to one of the pyramids ( Actually , it won't exhaust you,... but, I need to do that in order to create effects . )
Thousands years ago , there might be many alive sacrifice kicked down the steps......

Uxmal 全景圖

隨後來到另一個馬雅遺跡--Kabah !  不過導遊很不盡責地講了5分鐘就放我們自己走.....(那要你幹嗎?  你還以為我真的是哲青嗎? )
Kabah , another Maya ruin , However, the tour guide just made a 5- mins brief on that . ( Do I really need you ?? ) Anyway , it is a place having something to do with rains.
這地方最有名的是他的 Palace of the Masks",  牆面以數百個馬雅雨神Chaac來裝飾
This place is famous for its Palace of the Masks , the wall is decorated with hundreds of the Maya rain god "Chaac "
最後來到,最著名的馬雅遺跡-- Chichen Itza 
雖然他號稱最大馬雅金字塔,但據導遊說,他和Uxamal 的一樣大! 
其實Chichen Itza 路程遠,遊客多,又不能攀爬...  大概兩小時就走完了!
比較好玩的,其實還是跟小販殺價..... 以及看到一些原住民歌舞!

Chichen Itza , the most famous Maya pyramid. 
Although it is said the biggest Maya pyramid , tour guide said its size is the same as the Uxmal one. 
But , after all , it is a landmark , you can't help coming to visit ....though it is far away and filled with thousands of tourists.
The most interesting things for me are still negotiating with venders and see indigenous dance. 

上面的小環,是馬雅人玩足球的球門,大概比兩個人還高,球是橡皮做的,但不可用手抓和足踢,我實在想不到有任何動力可以讓球飛上那麼高,還要進球門!  這連貝克漢都做不到吧 !?
至於是輸家要被殺來獻祭,還是贏家 ? 其實各有說法,但導遊說,他個人意見是... 這是一種商業行銷的說法,應該和獻祭無關,因為以前能在這裡踢球的都是西甲豪門皇馬隊...是皇室貴族啦!  所以應該不會殺來獻祭...  不過他強調只是他個人看法!

The rim is the goal post of Maya soccer , set at more than two-men height. The ball is made of rubber . During the game , the player can't use hand and feet to touch the ball . I can't imagine how you can throw the ball in without hand and feet. ( Ask Beckham ?)
Winner or loser would be sacrificed ? it is filled with speculation . But , the tour guide said , in his own opinion , this sacrifice saying is likely to be one kind of hype . Because all those who can play soccer here are royal family . But, He emphasized that's his own speculation .  
馬雅最強悍的神---羽蛇神,是長了翅膀的蛇....  那不就是... 親像....飛龍飛上天!?
The highest god in Maya-- Feathered Serpent...  ( Flying dragon ? )

千柱林.... Thousands of pillars. 

說真的! 這跳不好.... 就是滾下去做活人獻祭了....
To be honest , if an accident occurs , I would become the sacrifice.........

     待續!To Be Continued ...

