Picking " Hands " as my photo topic . However , it seems unsuccessful ! I think my niche is supposed to be " Who is the most beautiful "....
我不是被警察開單阿! 是警察叔叔想和我做朋友~~還給我看她手機裡的A圖!
最後兩人很堅持要送我他們的筆....可我明明就有了.... 那就拿吧! 真是可愛的警察叔叔!
I didn't get a ticket ! it is that Police instructor want to make friend with me ! He even showed me the porn pics in his mobile. In the end , both of them insisted on giving me their pens as gifts. But , I already have one ! Anyway, Take it ! So cute you are !
ㄟ....大哥! 這個單字我常講! 我懂! 你不用寫出來給我看!
Oh~~ Buddy! I often speak out this word... you don't need to write it down ....
This aunt can perform " Kong-fu " ?
小的...小的不敢啦!! (大嬸阿! 你這演技有點差! 不能笑場阿!)
I...I am so sorry !! ( Hey ! Aunt ! you should polish your acting skill , you can't laugh when performing !! )
像這位導遊大哥就非常敬業! ( 這年頭...當導遊還要被客人折磨.....錢歹賺)
See ! How great he is ! ( How hard he earn his keep as a tour guide... sigh ! )
今日我最美! Who is the most beautiful !?
我不是要廣告那台相機阿! I am not making advertisement on that camera....
OK~ OK~ I know it ! Sometimes , I do pull some disqualified pics in.
But , you see ! How happy Sean is !?
像我就還是喜歡青春的肉體...I prefer the younger and juicy body.....
但等待是值得的! 本次墨西哥之行! 最像樣的終於出現啦!!!
兄弟們! 我是有使命感的阿!!!
However , it is worthy of waiting !! The best one in my mexico trip shows up !!
Buddy ! I always take this responsibility on my back !!
好啦! 我們還是不能忘記本次旅行是為了揭開馬雅文化的神秘面紗!
在Chichen Itza看到的原住民歌舞! 頭飾裝扮都相當有特色!
OKay~ we can't make the main goal of my trip slip away... We need to go further on unveiling the mysterious Maya.
The indigenous dance at Chichen Itza.
But , except for digging into Maya culture , I also want to know how come there is a white girl with traditional attire dancing there ?
待續!To Be Continued....