話說自從玩過Kayaking之後,深深著迷! Kayaking 也成為我的Weekly Event了! 然而,今天,勢必是在我的Kayaking生涯中,寫下最恥辱也最內疚的一頁!
閒話休說! 旁事莫提! 看圖吧!
Since I tried Kayaking a couple of weeks ago , I fell in love with this activity , thereby it becomes my weekly event . However, today , it must be the most shamful and guilty day of my Kayaking career .
Cut the crap ! The pics speaks .
今天要試試看單人船! 上次在Lake George試單人船,但並沒有划太久!
Try single today ! I tried Single at Lake George, but I didn't paddle for long.
John said , today is a windy day ! Must pay attention to the current ! and do your best !
同伴們! 但這也是我離他們最近的時候了!
Companion! But , that's the sole moment I was so close to them .
中場休息! 這時我已經有點累了.... 這張照片似乎也為後來的故事留下伏筆
Half ! But , felt tired at that time ! This pic seems to give hint for the following story .
Don't leave Bikini Chick behind .
Irving-- become good friends due to dirty men's talk .
我的速度越來越慢,John看不下去了,跑來拖我的船 ! 我心中已經開始流下恥辱的眼淚了
I become exhausted and slow down ! John can't bear my slow paddling any more and come to tow me ! God! I am sheding tears in my heart !!
越到下午,風浪越大.... 從這張圖可以稍微看出一點感覺!
The later the time , the larger the wave . The pic can give you some feeling !
Mike , Mady 及Bill. 是強者三人組! 負責救援!Mike , Mady and Bill are the Giant three , ready to rescue !
一個不留神,沒有繞道! 又被連續好幾個浪打到,慌了手腳 (此時不能停,要繼續划,不然只會更慘) ! 我被浪打進岩石和海草堆!! 卡住了!!
Losing my attention for a while and didn't make a detour ! Hit consecutively by several waves , I became panic (Actually , don't stop paddling at that moment , otherwise would turn worse ). I was flushed into rocks and weeds . I got stuck !
Mike 和 Bill 馬上來救我了! 又要把我拖出去了!
Mike and Bill came to my rescue right away.
好心的Bill就把我拖在他後面,此時風浪更大了! 但因為Bill的船是高級一點的船,更窄,但也更需要平衡感! 結果就因為拖住我的船的關係,他突然失去平衡,翻倒了!! 這種上方封閉的Kayak一旦翻過去,很容易進水,要翻過來,也難得多! 當下我和Mike, Mady都過去幫忙,試圖穩住他的船,讓他慢慢爬上來,費了好大一番勁,Bill 勉強爬進,然後開始抽船艙的水! 然後再繼續前進!
Bill towed me behind . The wave increasingly turned out to be larger.All of sudden , Bill's boat , which is of higher class and narrower , calling for more counterbalance ability, tossed over . Once this kind of Kayak tossed over , getting back would be more challenging . Mike , Mady and I rushed to his rescue and held his kayak steady . At last , it took lots of Bill's efforts to get in . Pumping out the water inside.
不過,因為水沒完全抽乾,船還是很重,五分鐘後,再翻一次! 我們又過去救援一次! 也在這次救援中,我的小相機進水,報銷了! 過一陣子,船公司看苗頭不對,開船來救我們,直接把Bill和我的船都拖回去......我內心一直對Bill感到很內疚! 也深感恥辱!!
However, 5 mins later , He tossed over again . Due to some water left in cabin , his Kayak still very heavy . During this rescue , my camera was killed by water . After a while , the staff in Kayaking company drove the boat to rescue us ,directly towing my boat and Bill's . I felt guilty to Bill and shameful .
後記: 大家看到我下次還要參加Kayaking ,紛紛說Amao你應該去學習一下基礎划槳技巧!還要找個Partner! 幹! 超丟臉的!
P.S. when other member see my reservation for next weekend's kayaking , they said, Amao , you should learn more basic paddling technique and get a partner. Damn it ! Shame on me .