從MeetUp攝影團得知,熱氣球節即將在Plainville舉辦! 想說也從來沒近距離看過熱汽球,當然是得來....拍拍照就好! 搭一次很貴的!
不過得要一大清早就去,才看得到熱氣球充氣,結果當天七點半到的我沒想到還是太晚,只看到兩顆氣球,聽說五點半的時候約有40~50顆氣球準備升空,場面壯觀! 好吧! 算是沒緣份!
Knowing the information from meet-up photography group , there is a hot air balloon festival taking place in Plainville ! Good chance to take a closer look at hot air balloon . But, Look is enough ! it is pricey to take off .
Need to get there in the very early morning to see the balloon inflated . It was still too late for me , arriving at 7:30, to see many . Just two ballon left . there is said to be 40~50 ballon taking off at 5:30 . it is a spectacular sight . What a pity !
However, who say the late bird has no worm ? I did get a small surprise .
只剩兩顆氣球... 一顆還沒充氣
Just two was left. One is uninflated .
it got inflated !
The left one kept up and down .
Inside the balloon .
Big one and Small one
這麼多人排隊要幹嗎!>? 有免費的可搭!
What is the line for ? Take for free !
我怎麼會錯過這種免費的機會!? 雖然只是升空約幾層樓高,又下來!
How can I miss this chance ? Although it just took off for multiple hundreds of feet .
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