Kayaking,大概是叫做獨木舟還是輕艇之類的,這個活動我期待已久,輕舟單槳對我總有個很浪漫的吸引力(我今天也是這樣跟老美們說....)不過,因為自己是旱鴨子,所以來之前,也一再地詢問,會不會翻船?會不會很難控制? 我是個弱咖,可以參加嗎?! 一度也因為找不到搭檔,而差點要放棄!不過總在最後一刻,生命中出現貴人,自稱很強壯的Debroah回覆我的信件,願意跟我搭檔!! Kayaking , I'm coming !
Kayaking , I have been looking forward to for long time, don't know why but paddling has a special attractiveness to me . But, owing to my inability to swim , I made lots of inquiries before my particiaption , such as " does it toss over easily ?" " easy to control ?" " I am afraid that I am too weak to make it "
I even might have given up just because of no partner . A friend in need always makes his appearance at the last moment . Debroah , claiming she is a strong woman , replied to my mail and is willing to pair with me . Kayaking , I am coming !
Meeting up at Norwalk , our plan is to paddle toward a small island and have a picinic at the beach and then come back , taking total 3~4 hrs . It might be a great challenge for the first time beginner ... I felt a bit more relieved when knowing most of participant are kid and old women . Supposedly , I wouldn't be left behind .
Giant John is arranging.
I was so excited and made a macho pose .
I like to make an entrance all along .
我的搭檔 Debroah,自稱很強壯.... 且因為我是第一次玩,她作後座可以指導我動作,所以後來我就讓他坐後座了,基本上後座的要求是得要比較強悍ㄧ點,前座的則是控制方向...
不過下半場,她說她肚子很餓,我就跟他換座位了,畢竟粗活還是男生來吧!Debroah said she can give me some instructions on paddling if she is back-seated although the back-seated one is required to be a stronger one . Until the second half , she said she is hungry ,we exchanged seats.
出發囉!! 真爽! Go!
看到這番情景,就知道....我們又落後啦!! 其實我們也不慢,只是一直偏左邊.....
Judging from this scene , yes ! we are left behind . Actually , we are not slow , just inclining toward left.
In the middle , take a breath and have a picnic .
John was giving instructions and the direction we are going toward .
在這海灘...我到達了人生至今還未到達的一個境界.....我會游泳了! 雖然只有不到五公尺.....
At this beach , I reached a level I have never met . Real Swimming , although it is less than 5 meters .
在有點年紀但是又很High的阿嬤級游泳教練指導之下..... 哈哈哈!!
哎... 今天沒有正妹! 只有我和我的專屬游泳教練的合照
Under the direction of aged swimming instructor ....
No pics of beauty today , just the pics of my instructor and me .
Sigh, such a scene just behine us ...
班師回朝! 不過划了幾個小時後,大家都是強弩之末了.....
Back ! But , each paddler became exhausted after a few hours 's paddling.
完滿的句點! 難得的體驗! 我等不及下次了!
Happy Ending ! Wonderful Experinece ! I can't wait for next time .
輕舟單槳的浪漫..... the romatic attractiveness of paddling .