
經典再現 Everlasting Classics , Manchester,CT

       似乎每個時代都有著某款式的汽車象徵着該時代的特色 !而經典可以長存,品味可以雋永,這句話在今天康州的Manchester大街上,得到印證!這是新英格蘭區最大的古典車展,展出近千輛的汽車,讓民眾可以一親芳澤!
如果我的08年馬三是小澤菜穗,那今天展出的車,基本上就是飯島愛等級的了! 所以,豈又不來朝聖一番的道理!?
看完的感想: 有錢我也想買一輛...........

             Auto Vehicle , the supreme exhibition of contemporary mechanic art .
             Each classic vehicle is symbolic of each era. However , Classics is what classics is . Today ,  The biggest exhibition of classics vehicle in New England took place in Manchester ,CT . More than thousands of classic car will be exhibited along the main street ,giving people the chance to taking a closer eye .
          Let me make an anology:  if my Mazda 3 is Naho Ozawa , the vehicles exhibited today would be more of Ai Iijima . As a result , there is no reason not  to take a look !          

The exhibition was held along the street , extending as long as couples of miles . filled with crowds.

This one comes with mordern painting .  But, I don't like it ! It is not becoming .

One of my favorites. Elegant and luxurious. It seems that only dress-up is allowed to drive it . ( might look like a typical British man ,wearing British hat and holding a stick with a pipe )

However , the vast majority is sport-car style . Driving with country music across the central and western of the U.S. would be a classic American way of living .
Most of the cars here are around 50~60 years old . The oldest one I saw was born in 1930. Not sure if there is older one ?

But , there are some shabby ones.....  Hey , Buddy , Old doesn't necessarily mean classic. 

有一些是可以買的... 價格大概在1萬多美金到5萬美金都有.... 果然家有一老,如有一寶!
Some are for sale , pricing from 10-some K to 50-some K .  Old enough to become an antique.

也有一些好笑的標語! Interesing signs.

和台灣車展最大的不同就是.... 這裡沒有車模,只有老摳摳的車主在車旁和你聊兩句...
the huge difference between U.S. vehicle exhibition and Taiwan's is..... here is no showgirls.
Just the old car owner can lob some dialogue with you.

我對這種車尾巴,很沒抵抗力! 帥!
Such a cool rear !

The following two might well be the original model of SUV .

Chair attached to the rear , even comes a pot beneath.

Coca Cola advertising car,

At last , I am eager for getting one of this kind .

