
藍白紅,卻不是青天白日滿地紅 ID Parade , Bistol, New Port,RI

           就在美國獨立紀念日前夕,透過同事相傳,在羅德島的New Port有煙火又有遊行,所以當然二話不說,在七月四號那天,趕在外星人來之前,驅車兩小時前往Bristol,New Port來看看人家的遊行是怎麼一回事!?相傳這裡是最早的美國獨立紀念日遊行.....

在我剛到時,當時距離遊行已經開始一個多小時了,看到一堆人已經拿著物品準備離開了,想說自己應該是來晚了, 但是沒想到,我到的時候,才是活動的最高潮.....場面正熱得咧!!

            Told by my colleague right before the 4th of July ,there is a firework and parade taking place in New port .Without furthere ado , Go there before the outspace alien's arriving . It is said to be the oldest parade in celebration of  Jul 4 . 
            When I arrived , it was a bit late , I thought , it is likely to come to a end as many people left . But, Wrong ! the cuminlation of the parade was just coming .In contrast with Taiwan's national parade , this parade has more interaction with people . The people attended with various star and stripe attires . The whole scene was filled with American national flags . 

國慶遊行,總少不了儀隊! 這一點,台灣勝 ! 我們有北一女儀隊 !
不過他們的制服真的是挺帥的! 不知道是不是中國製的!?
Honor Guard ! the indispensible part of parade !
Great uniform . But , May I know if it is made in China ?

High school marching band ! Performign toward where with louder hail .

Clowns !

Clown of beauty come as well .

最有趣的莫過於這位兄台了,我跟他討論了一下他的手套怎麼只有四隻後,他就說要挖鼻孔給我看,後來我要跟他借手套,他說不行,問我要幹嘛........... (我難道要跟你說我最近便秘嗎? 那麼好挖....就借一下阿!)
The interesting guy is this one . His glove just have 4 fingers and show how to pick his nose . But, he won't lend me his gloves . ( I would like to pick my ass.....)

這兩個從頭包到腳的..... 我經過後,就問他一句? Feel Stuffy ? 他無奈地說...absolutely !
所以裝扮配合天氣很重要...... 那天氣溫大概有30幾度....
This two wrapped themselves up . So, should taking the weather into account when dressing . It is pretty hot that day . more than 90 F.

看你們那麼難過... 來張合照吧!

所以還是要說一句... 裝扮配合天氣真的很重要....
Each member of the following group need to back with a heavy decoration . So, should taking weather into account when dressing up.

騙小孩阿! 我這幼稚園園長最OK的阿! 好像是猶太團體!
我覺得右邊那個妹妹很像技安妹 (現在改叫胖虎妹是吧!?)
Kid's time !

本日最佳! 眼神滿分!
The best of today ! Beautiful eyes !

美國國旗裝展示...The exhibition of U.S. national Flag attires.


我問:You wear U.S. flag all over your body , ha~~ even underwear....??!
阿伯 :O~~~f , Course... I am a patriot !! (真不好意思, 我把你瞧小了..)

Not only elder mand , but also woman .

The likely wanderer did so

小姑娘也這樣穿....  Even chicks did so .

好啦! 看到這裡, 如果長期關注小弟旅遊網誌的朋友們,一定會開始心生怨懟....感覺本次照片似乎有失水準,少了點什麼.....
OK~ So far , if you are a loyal reader , you might be upset and felt this traveling diary seems to short of something .

拜託! 兄弟!我怎麼會忘記!!!

Come on ! Buddy!  How can I forget ?!

我都拍到她為了躲我鏡頭而跳水了! 你們沒話說了吧! 一張照片一條人命阿!!
She even dived in to water because shun my camera.... This pic is worthy of her life !!

天佑美國! God Bless America !

