
動物星球--可愛動物區 Animal Planet‧Safari-Mild Animal,Kenya



   When taking safari , you might refer two kind of animals as too much of a good thing -- They are Zebra and Wildbeest.No wonder they are the end of food chain in Africa. In spite of that ,it is said that  Zebra 's legs are able to break Lion's rib .
   Except for the main course "carnivore" , there are still many side dishes such as zebra,jackel,ostrich,giraffe,baboon,hippo,and so on.
   Wild animals , filled with energy and wildness, do look so different from those seen in the zoo . The scene of " Survivor is the fittest " comes on stage .    

多不勝數的斑馬...A large large amount of zebra. 

身體也是乾乾扁扁,看起來不是很Juicy的感覺,可能很有嚼勁吧 !
Wildbeest , lion's favorite dish . But, It doesn't look tasty with bull-like head and goat-like body. seems to be dry ! Probably , Lions like their texture.

不過,牛羚似乎生性很愛排隊,遷徙時都是排一直線的走....Wildbeest awalys form a quene moving .

During this season , wildbeest would try to migrate in search of fresh grass , thereby crossing perilous Mara river. When crossing , they will be attacked by crocodile or drown to death. At that time , Mara river would be full of wildbeest's corpses.Butchers would come in to deal with those corpose .
But, I didn't see wildbeest meat on for sale.

  非洲象,是體型最大的一種象,生長在非洲,也因為耳朵的形狀和非洲大陸  很類似而得名  African Elephant ,the largest elephants in the world , is named by two points . One is its habitat in Africa , the other is its ear's shape is very similar to that of African continent.

  A roaming group of elephants is rarely seen .  


   沒看過大象出浴圖吧!! 看它在泥漿裡面打滾,還真會享受!!
A elephant is taking mud shower !! What an enjoyment . 

  注意!! 象出沒注意!!
  這個營地是沒有圍欄的,所以半夜也都會有野生動物如斑馬、水牛來訪喔!!   非常有趣!!
  Attention ! An elephant is coming !!
  A lost elephant came to our campsite by drinking water .
  It is a fenceless campsite . Lots of wild animal such as Zebra or buffalo would stop by at midnight .

   喝完水了,想走囉!! 以帳棚當比例尺,更顯得這隻象很大隻,且它會避開     帳蓬來走喔!!
    It is leaving . Compare to the camp , you can know how big it is !

   Boars seems to have bumpy fate . It needs to knee down eating.

   豺狼,基本上也算是小混混之流的動物~~Jackals ! rascal-like animals !

Ostrich , prefering to being solitary , always seen alone .  

  鬣狗 !


  Giraffe , with elegant walking , But I think it looks exotic and weird .

Big Five之一的水牛!!  大家看,牛魔王真的是模仿它的臉!!
Buffalo , one of the Big-Five . with sluggish eyes on .

Flamingo in Lake Nakuru.

  為數眾多但不知名的水鳥!! Numerous ,but unknown Birds .

臃腫又遲緩的河馬... 不過,似乎也是很兇悍! 連獅子都怕他!!
Hippo ! it looks fat and sluggish .Even though , it is said to be a very fierce animal , even lions don't dare to provoke it .
But , I still put it into the list of mild animal because of its appearance .


  可愛小鹿.... Dear deer !

Big Five之一的犀牛!!   犀牛就是適合這種恬淡的景色~~~
Rhino , one of Big-Five , comes well with such a serene scenery.

Rhino 's close-up . They look dull and silly .

  有牛魔王,孫悟空也得出來亮亮相!!    潑猴!!
Monkeys ~

